The World of Canine Science: Discover.Understand.Apply.

The Dogs and Science Trinity is our core. We undertake rigorous research, translate complex findings from canine science into accessible content for anybody, and apply these insights to practical online dog behaviour counselling and training services.

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    This website is currently under construction. We will soon be launching our newsletter. Sign up here with your email address if you want to learn more about the world of Canine Science.

    Diese Webseite befindet sich aktuell im Aufbau. Bald werden wir mit unserem Newsletter starten. Melden Sie sich hier mit Ihrer Emailadresse an, wenn Sie mehr über die Welt der Hundeforschung (Canine Science) erfahren wollen.

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    Dogs and Science: Where love for dogs and passion for science converge

    We are experienced CANINE SCIENTISTS on a mission to bridge the gap between science and society by unlocking the full potential of canine science. We strive to make evidence-based knowledge on our canine companions accessible to all, revolutionizing the way we understand, treat, and interact with dogs.

    The MISSION of Dogs and Science is to unlock the full potential of canine science by integrating rigorous research, effective science communication, and practical applications. We are committed to bridging the gap between the scientific community and the public, making evidence-based knowledge accessible to all, and promoting responsible dog ownership that enhances the welfare of both dogs and humans.

    The VISION of Dogs and Science is to be a global leader in advancing and democratizing canine science. We aim to revolutionize the understanding and treatment of dogs through scientific research, education, and advocacy, fostering a world where every interaction with dogs is informed by the current stage of scientific knowledge on dogs, promoting better canine welfare and stronger human-dog relationships.

                                                  Join us in our Canine Science2Society Revolution!

    Dedicated to Canine Science – The Science of Dogs

    What we cover – The Dogs and Science Trinity:




    We conduct studies designed to deepen our understanding of dogs, offer science-related services, and actively support research in the field of canine science through various initiatives.



    Science Communication

    We translate complex scientific discoveries within the field of canine science into engaging, easy-to-understand content and bring science to the people.




    We take insights from canine science and translate them into real-world applications, offering online dog behaviour counselling and training services rooted in empirical evidence and best practices.