TRANSFORM your knowledge about DOGS with SCIENCE.


We make canine science ACCESSIBLE and UNDERSTANDABLE for everyone.

Science-based knowledge about dogs is often difficult to obtain and understand. Dogs and Science is on a mission to change that. We are convinced that canine science can empower people to better understand and care for dogs, improving the lives of both. And so we are dedicated to bridge the gap between canine science and society.

What is Dogs and Science for?



Dog professionals




Dog owners


„Just as science helps us understand the world, canine science provides unique knowledge and facts to enhance our understanding, care, connection, and appreciation of dogs.“

Dr. Annika Bremhorst

Founder and CEO of Dogs and Science

Let’s transform your knowledge

We create scientific content about dogs — engaging and educating.
Explore our latest videos and articles to learn more about dog science.

Canine Science explained


Exploring Canins Mind:

The Science of Dogs and Their Wild Ancestors

Canine science is a research field studying the fascinating world of dogs and their wild relatives, including wolves. Canine scientists strive to grow our knowledge about canines, including their behaviour, biology, thinking and learning (cognition), development (evolution), and their overall needs, health, and well-being.

Uniting Disciplines:

The Rapid Evolution of Canine Science Worldwide

As an interdisciplinary research field, canine science brings together various scientific disciplines, including animal behaviour, psychology, genetics, veterinary medicine, and animal welfare. This field is experiencing rapid growth. Research labs all over the globe deliver new and groundbreaking insights into the lives of our canine companions.

Empowering Care:

How Canine Science Improves Decisions

The growing body of empirically-based knowledge in canine science is valuable for dog professionals, veterinarians, and owners. It provides a strong foundation for making informed decisions about dog care, training, and health, and encourages us to refine and rethink traditional approaches to understanding and interacting with dogs.

Transforming Dog Passion:

Empirical Insights from Canine Science

For anyone passionate about dogs—whether you’re a dog professional, veterinarian, loving pet parent, or simply someone with an interest in dogs — the insights from canine science can transform your knowledge and empower you with new empirically-based insights about this fascinating species.

Who we are

Dogs and Science is created by Experts.

Dr. Annika Bremhorst

Founder & CEO,
Canine Scientist and Dog Professional

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.

Dr. Annika Bremhorst

Founder & CEO,
Canine Scientist and Dog Professional

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.

Designing robust frameworks to ensure meaningful scientific inquiry.

Designing robust frameworks to ensure meaningful scientific inquiry.

Designing robust frameworks to ensure meaningful scientific inquiry.

What we do

The Dogs and Science Trinity. Our core.

We advance canine science.

We conduct studies to deepen our understanding of dogs and offer science-related services, including data analysis and study design support, to assist other researchers. Learn more about it and get in touch with us!

We believe in the power of knowledge.

We translate complex scientific discoveries within the field of canine science into engaging, easy-to-understand content and bring science to the people. Transform your knowledge now!

We put science into practice.

We help you apply canine science insights in daily life. With our expert network, we offer online behaviour consultations and training for dog owners, plus mentoring for professionals. Discover our services!

The World of Canine Science. Discover. Understand. Apply.

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Just as science helps us understand the world, canine science provides unique knowledge and facts to enhance our understanding, care, connection, and appreciation of dogs.“

Annika Bremhorst

What we dream of:

Our Vision: A Movement – Connecting canine science and society.

At the heart of Dogs and Science lies an ambitious dream for the future.

we are working towards connecting the worlds of canine science and the wider public in a novel way. We are driven to foster an inclusive community where scientific insights meet practical knowledge about dogs, leading to real-world benefits for dogs and people.

By joining forces, we aim to support science through active engagement, providing insights from diverse perspectives that could spark and support new research avenues.

Together, we can make a significant impact, driving innovations that enhance canine care and deepen the human-dog bond.

Our goal is to create a collaborative space for dialogue and growth, where dog professionals, enthusiasts, and scientists can engage in meaningful exchanges.

We see the power in the fusion of knowledge — where hands-on practical expertise and empirical research merge to bring about advancements that benefit our canine companions and enrich our lives.

This community is not just about sharing knowledge — it is about transforming it into real-world applications that make a difference.

Join our community to exchange ideas and experiences that drive transformation. Together, we’ll turn scientific discoveries into solutions that improve canine welfare and enhance our lives. Join us to make impactful changes through innovation and learning.